Thursday, June 29, 2006

I somehow find that you and I collide...

Life is stable right now. I hesitate to say "mundane" simply because the implication is negative, but nothing out-of-the-ordinary is really going on. I wake up every morning, go to work at 8, leave at 5, and hope to make it to the gym...go home, make dinner, watch DLP videos, maybe go out with friends...

I have been craving some independent endeavor: go to a local Bed and Breakfast, go to New York City for a few days in the winter, go on a cruise, go to Italy and study photography in Tuscany for a month, go to Spain for Spring Break... lots of ideas have passed through my head lately. I must get settled into my new townhouse thing at a time. I need to wait for bills to regulate.

I am hungry for passionate existence... to live, laugh, love (a great mantre!)

Sometimes I wonder if I am too independent...too self-reliant. It is perhaps my greatest flaw; I writhe at the thought of asking anyone for help. But by the same token, I adore the freedom to explore and do and see and experience.

I want to absolutely inebriated by this life.

Oh, Lord, please teach me what it means to be alive. Show me yourself in a way that is deeper and bigger than I ever imagined. Thank you for being Life. Thank you for being Energy, and passion, and all that is glorious!!!!

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